Unearth your natural voice. Create from your feminine essence. Expand your self-expression and experience the power of your vibration.

Welcome Creatrix,

Thank you for being the type of woman who desires more.


More truth, more self-expression, more vitality.  Your voice is so wanted here, love.


It is time to remember the depth of your power.


The invitation to Voice of the Creatrix™ is a deeply spiritual and inward journey to awaken your aliveness through singing.  That feeling you get at the edge of your turn-on. 


Imagine with me…


You are so at home in your body that your voice is free to soar.  The quality of your vibration reverberates through every cell, shaking loose any stagnation from past traumas, heartbreaks and old wounds.


Imagine feeling your creative energy flowing with ease and limitless potential. You remember the joy and playfulness of singing that has you taking more meaningful risks in your life.


THIS is what’s possible as a graduate of the Voice of the Creatrix. 


This is your invitation to reclaim your voice and take a stand for your creative self-expression, ecstatic pleasure and life-changing expansion. 


Whether you’re new to singing or you’re a trained vocalist, this experiential immersion will inspire the artist within to be seen.

Singing is a special kind of freedom.

“The woman just opened her mouth, which meant that all kinds of secret doors in her body gave way.

She did not sing so much as let her soul free.”

Ray Bradbury

Some part of you knows you are meant to activate

your voice, but you haven’t known where to begin.

  • Your voice holds tremendous power. Your words have the ability to uplift, inspire and impact change.

  • Your voice lovingly offers feedback of truth. 

    • Have you ever experienced your voice cracking in the middle of saying something?
    •  Maybe you experience sore throats or lose your voice often. 
    • Jaw tension? I’ve been there.
  • Your voice is a vibrational compass. Your voice will tell you when you are in integrity if you know how to listen.

  • Your voice is what your Soul sounds like. As unique as your fingerprint. Why deny your voice?

If you’re ready for a breakthrough with your voice, I’ve got you. 

I know what it feels like to be stagnant with my creative energy and afraid of sharing my voice. The voice of the inner critic can be a dark, frustrating place, especially when you believe her. The mind tries to protect itself from the vulnerability of singing. 

Why can’t I sing like her? Why do I feel shy at the thought of singing in public? Will I ever be able to feel confident and good about my voice? My voice is too old to sound good and try something new. Will singing ever be for me again, instead of what others expect from me?

Here’s the thing, your SOUL wants to sing. It feels good when you get out of your head and out of your own way. Trust yourself. Trust this calling inside that has you reading this right now. 

What will it take for you to take the leap and do something for you?  

When you learn the Sensuality of Singing Method ™, you’ll forever transform the relationship with your voice. With this method, I’ve watched hundreds of women heal trauma around their voice, write a song for the first time, sing in public for the first time, move through blocks of doubt and discomfort and for the first time, feel that their voice belongs. 

This is about allowing your soul’s essence to shine. This is about expressing yourself honestly. This is about how bringing awareness to your voice extends into all other areas and relationships in your life.

You'll hear from past clients of Laura Rose to get a taste of the magic

that happens inside Voice of the Creatrix.

This is for you if ...

  • You are a healer, lightworker, entrepreneur, artist who longs to have a transformational experience with your voice.

  • You are curious about your creative process and are motivated to prioritize the practice of songwriting.

This is NOT for you if ...

  • You would prefer to keep daydreaming about the songs in your heart rather than bring them to life.

  • You are not willing to be coachable or receive feedback.

  • You are not willing to make space in your life for this program.

  • Member’s Portal

    • Lifetime access to content + all recordings
  • Downloadable PDFs, Creative Map, Curated Spotify Playlists and more..

    • More resources than you could possibly digest in two months.

Course Breakdown

  • Sensuality of Singing Method

  • Transmutation Hypnosis Meditations

    to transform self-sabotage into inner freedom. Release subconscious  blocks to your authentic expression.

  • Psychology of Singing

    Understand how the voice relates to healing trauma and informs your nervous system.

  • Creativity Mindset

    set fire to your creative ideas with a step-by-step creative mapping process. Tap into your creativity whenever you want!

What Previous Creatrix are Saying...



“I loved the Voice of the Creatrix™ program! Laura Rose created a beautiful supportive group experience where we were held in a sacred and safe container. We shared, laughed, sang, screamed and unleashed our voice. I made new friends, found comfort in showing my face on video, released any self judgments on singing and shared my voice. This experience has helped me integrate more of my voice with the Forest Academy, which has had a positive effect on my ability to lead. I am so happy I gave myself this gift, trusted in the process and flow where I needed to go. I am eternally so grateful!”



Maria T.

“If you'd like to become more embodied and appreciate yourself more through breathwork, chakras, and creativity, then look no further than the Voice of the Creatrix. You will be held in a safe and supportive space while you do exercises around relaxation and sound and sensuality, and coming home to yourself. Your senses will be enlivened by colors, archetypes and Goddess invocations and all types of supportive communication that you will take part in. These are tools that you will learn to embody and continue to develop for the rest of your life. I am so grateful to Laura Rose for creating and facilitating this self-discovery journey for me. She models the grace, sensuality and care that I aspire to.”

Irene J.

“For many years, I hid my voice and was so afraid to be heard. As a women’s leader and spiritual healer, the further opening of my throat chakra has been a priority and I joined The Voice of the Creatrix program in order to support my voice, allowing me more confidence to speak and sing the messages of empowerment and healing that I was born to teach. Not only did this program help support my opening, but I also connected with and learned from such beautiful women in the program including Laura  Rose. The support of the Goddesses in this group has been wonderful, and the energy that she brings is both nurturing and powerful."

Melissa B.

More Testimonials...

“I think one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and the world is coming into your full power of being able to share the gifts you have.  If you ever had any doubts about your voice, your creative expression and the power of it, this IS the program that will help you release that. Laura helps you to see your inner power and your creative potential.  This process will transform you, it did for me.”

Melanie W.

“This program digs deep into your soul and provides all of the tools and a safe space to show up beyond any limitations. It’s so fun and so powerful to do all this work amongst other women striving for the same thing. To feel empowered with their own unique voice. I lived so much of my life hating my voice. Doubting my own wisdom. Ashamed of my love for singing when I never thought I had a voice that could sing any of the songs I wrote in front of anyone. I sang for the first time in my life in front of the other women in this program. Let me tell you, it was the absolute scariest thing to think about beforehand. Afterward, I honestly still get chills about it, I have never felt more myself and seen and embraced than in that moment. I go to that moment often whenever I am facing anything fearful and remember how beautiful the gifts are once you cross that bridge. The universe brings to you some incredible opportunities and I knew that finding this program was a gift of love from the universe itself.”

Jess D.

“ Laura hosts a nurturing program for women who want to take themselves to the next level. If you want to grow creatively with the support of other women, you’ve found your match. If you feel an inkling in your hearth, then follow it. You may just discover something new about yourself. Laura and the group will help you birth the next version of you.” 

Lisa O.